Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Who actually follows these lists of online dating?by Fringles.com

How to Pick up the Guy of your Dreams if you like robotic lists or are stuck in the 80's:

1 Make eye contact with the guy you’re interested in. If he does not see you, pass by him, dance next to him or figure out a way for him to notice you.
2 Be sure not to draw too much attention to yourself (i.e. don’t make a scene)
3 Glance at him several times, but don’t stare. If he is interested, he will return your glances.
4 Once he returns your glance, give him a slight shy smile. This lets him know that you are interested.
5 If he is with his friends he will continue talking or dancing with them, but will return glances with you.
6 At this point, if you are not shy, walk up to the group and tap him on the shoulder.
7 Say “excuse me” to him and his friends. This will let his friends know that you don’t mean to be rude.
8 If you are shy, then pass by him, smile and give a slight gesture for him to come to you or follow you to a quiet corner.
9 If he is interested and not shy he will figure out a way to come up to you or follow you.
10 Introduce yourself. Sometimes a mere “Hi, I’m …What’s your name?” will do. This will start a conversation.
11 Continue the conversation if you can or just dance together. Just be natural. If he likes you, there’s no need to be nervous.
12 Don’t be alarmed if he ends the conversation or dance to go back to his friends. This doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like you. Keep in mind, he may be nervous as well.
13 Let him know that it was nice talking to him and offer to either give him a call or give him your telephone number. Exchange numbers or information.
14 Return to the original place you were or dancing and continue to look as cute as your are.
15 Finally, relax and congratulate yourself for taking a chance. Don’t worry, if he doesn’t call then it wasn’t meant to be anyway.

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