Thursday, March 26, 2009

Date Like You Mean It

Seriously, the best way to meet someone is to really try. Shine up the old Camaro, dust off the push-up bra, floss your freaking teeth, lose the leg warmers, read the paper, ditch the attitude, trim the hedges, do some squat thrusts, coif the dew.

Point is, you gotta step it up. The internet is a rock solid place to narrow the field, to find the homies and honies that float your boat. Shit, I've certainly dabbled. I actually started Fringles cause I was sick of paying for all those lame sites that actually cost money and don't really do anything other than annoy the piss out of you and pretend to use secret love potion algorhythms to match you with your soulmate.

But you gotta be willing to put on fresh undies or a thong and pucker your lips, or at least wax respectfully on current events and the reasons for your chastity.

Okay, so only like 30% of what I say makes sense. Chicks don't seem to mind, and dudes like me. My name is Jimmy Britto for crying out loud. What is not to like about that.


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