Here is one Mans Opinion we found on what to do in order to capture yourself a "HOT" lady .... feel free to comment, tear about the theory or just plain shit talk the hell out of this !! Should we allow this dude on or kick him out?
First, I looked at myself. I asked, "If I were the type of woman who I would like to attract (I like super hot, very intelligent women), what would make me want to be with a man?"
So I started reading, listening to tapes, going to seminars... you name it. And I started to work on my 'presentation' of myself.
I now think that it's important to get EVERY POSSIBLE thing going for you that you can.
Here's my take: If you have messed up teeth, for instance, that still shouldn't prevent you from dressing well. So don't let it.
Get a cool hair style. (It's OK to ask a stylist what's cool and get help on this one.)
Buy nice clothes (Don't tell me that you don't have the $$$. Get on eBay, or go to the Nordstrom Rack and look at the clearance items. I did it to start.). If you will do just a few key things, they won't necessarily HELP you attract women, but they'll get rid of things that are PREVENTING you from attracting women that you DON'T EVEN REALIZE.
Make no mistake that if you're interested in ATTRACTIVE women, you'd better realize right now that these things make a difference. You don't have to work out ten times a week, but get your body in at least OK shape. You don't have to have perfect teeth, but make sure that they're clean and your breath is great.
My personal view: If you're overweight, poorly groomed, etc., these are all things that are within your control. You should get them handled for YOURSELF. If you don't, then I'm going to assume that you don't have very much self-respect, in which case almost NOTHING I tell you can help.
Women notice details that most men don't. They notice if your belt and shoes match. They notice what kinds of foods you like to eat. They notice all the details and then make assumptions about every other area of your life based on these details.
So learn what nice shoes are and how to keep them nice. Figure out how colors and clothing go together and what is cool. It's worth it.
I wasn't 'cool' when I started, but now I've learned how to become more so. Huge difference. (Am I saying that you can't attract women if you wear Nike's and have messed up hair? No. But remember the old saying: "A blind pig can find an occasional truffle...")
Of course, don't overdo it.
I've tried the whole dressing well bit in the past to the point of looking like I'm trying too hard. Now I dress more 'casual nice'. I wear a lot of Calvin Klein T-Shirts with black jeans and nice black shoes, etc. This look with a nice leather coat works well in almost any situation. This is a look that you can put together for a couple or few hundred bucks (for several sets).
Here's my mindset: Keep improving all the time, even if it's the SMALLEST DETAIL.
I noticed recently that at least once every time I go out, a girl will ask me for a light. I always just said, "I don't smoke" or "No". A couple weeks ago, I said "Ah-Ha" and went to the lighter store SPECIFICALLY to find the coolest lighter that anyone has ever invented. I bought this torch lighter that make a huge flame. It looks like a welding flame. So what do you think happened the first time I went out with it? Right... got asked for a light... and got a 'wow' reaction from her, which started a conversation.
A list of random things to improve:
* Keep all nails on your body short, clean, and neat.
* The only place where hair is good is on your head. Keep all other hair trimmed, or have it removed. Nose and ear hairs are a no-no. Bushy eyebrows are a no-no. Bushy pubic hairs are a no-no.
* Keep the teeth clean. Get a tongue scraper and use it a lot. Floss. Use mouthwash. Fix any blatantly wrong teeth. Do it.
* Wash yourself three times when you shower. Dirt and body odors don't come off with just a rinse. Wash your body completely three times before you meet a woman.
* Use a good deodorant (I don't like anti-antiperspirants, as they block your lymph system).
* Keep feet, shoes, and socks ultra clean. No foot odor is permitted, period.
* Get a good cologne. Try Dolce and Gabanna, Cerruti Image, or Gaultier for men. And don't OVER-do it! No cologne is better than a lot of cologne. One or two squirts, applied an hour before you're going to be meeting women, is best.
Remember, women notice the details and assume you handle everything else the same way.
By David Dangelo
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Online Dating Do's and Dont's brought to you by

Dating etiquette has always been confusing -- and now online dating has only made matters more complicated. Andrea Lavinthal, who wrote "The Hookup Handbook: A Single Girl's Guide to Living It Up" with Jessica Rolzer, shared these tips on "Good Morning America" to guide you through the modern mores of online and offline dating:
Before the date:
Do exchange photos. It's like ordering a flower arrangement over the phone -- you want to know what it will look like.
Don't post a photo from your hot days in college. Choose a flattering picture, but don't advertise goods you can't deliver!
During the first date:
Do provide details about yourself. Share just enough information about yourself that your date will be itching to learn more.
Don't go overboard in revealing personal information about yourself. On the first meeting, no one needs to know the names of your childhood pets or that you take antidepressants.
Do stick to positive and relatable topics in your conversation. Discuss work, movies, etc.
Don't try something that you might not be able to pull off. If you attempt to fake a skill, you'll crash and burn.
Do show off a special talent. Great at bowling? Go for it -- as long as you come off confident and fun.
If things don't work out and you want to end the relationship:
Don't pull a disappearing act. Guys, if you appear to have fallen off the face of the Earth, girls will picture you lying in a ditch somewhere, cell phone in hand, trying desperately to call. So it's best to come clean!
Do bow out gracefully. Avoid doing the slow fade.
Don't break up over e-mail -- even if you met that way.
Do break up in person.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Online Dating Profile Photos - What Not To Do!
No Guns!
Okay, so we know there are a lot of United States military men and women who use our site, and we're honored. We also know that for many, a gun or related weapon is a "tool of the trade." Same way a web designer might show himself holding a mouse or a keyboard. But you know what? It's not the same at all. It's a gun — guns kill people. There is something oddly mysterious about a women who posts a profile pic of herself straddling an ATV while cradling a shotgun (which we've seen), but for all the dudes out there posting sweaty topless photos of themselves clutching machine guns, we suggest you take some new pictures. Although we've never done a formal survey, we can more or less guarantee that like 11 out of 10 women see guns as a turn off.
No Cats!
If I have to look at another profile pic of someone's drooling terrier, or doting poodle, I might throw up in my mouth. Then again, I'm not a pet person. Unless you count the time we were drunk on old man Simmon's farm in the eight grade and I... Anyway, a word to the ladies: cats of any kind in your profile pics will get you a fast-pass to spinsterville, where the only warmth comes from the rainbow shawls you knit on Friday nights while watching young couples walk down the street with their hands in each other's back pockets.
Britto Hint #4267: You can introduce the cat to your potential suitor, on the 4th or 5th date, only after wowing him with a home-cooked meal and some tantra. Unless of course he shows you his cat first, then you can knit shawls and use looms to make rugs for all eternity. Happy days.
Okay, so we know there are a lot of United States military men and women who use our site, and we're honored. We also know that for many, a gun or related weapon is a "tool of the trade." Same way a web designer might show himself holding a mouse or a keyboard. But you know what? It's not the same at all. It's a gun — guns kill people. There is something oddly mysterious about a women who posts a profile pic of herself straddling an ATV while cradling a shotgun (which we've seen), but for all the dudes out there posting sweaty topless photos of themselves clutching machine guns, we suggest you take some new pictures. Although we've never done a formal survey, we can more or less guarantee that like 11 out of 10 women see guns as a turn off.
No Cats!
If I have to look at another profile pic of someone's drooling terrier, or doting poodle, I might throw up in my mouth. Then again, I'm not a pet person. Unless you count the time we were drunk on old man Simmon's farm in the eight grade and I... Anyway, a word to the ladies: cats of any kind in your profile pics will get you a fast-pass to spinsterville, where the only warmth comes from the rainbow shawls you knit on Friday nights while watching young couples walk down the street with their hands in each other's back pockets.
Britto Hint #4267: You can introduce the cat to your potential suitor, on the 4th or 5th date, only after wowing him with a home-cooked meal and some tantra. Unless of course he shows you his cat first, then you can knit shawls and use looms to make rugs for all eternity. Happy days.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Question of the day: How do you match people?
So there’s that question. Well, truthfully, we believe people match people. That’s how it’s been since the dawn of time, since cavemen were tugging brides down to the river for some old fashioned snogging. You think Adam and Eve filled out a 30-part personality profile that matched them together using an algorithm or a multi-pronged compatibility machine? Ah, no. We’ve given you the basic tools, but the rest is up to you.
Sure, we’ve got a love doctor on staff, But quite frankly, the dude is such a major player that he’s overwhelmed with his own issues, and rarely has time to sleep, let alone help with the match-making process. And remember all those times a friend or family member said they knew the perfect match for you, but the guy/girl turned out to be a stamp-collecting sociopath who makes dolls with real human hair? Trust us, your better off on your own.
Sure, we’ve got a love doctor on staff, But quite frankly, the dude is such a major player that he’s overwhelmed with his own issues, and rarely has time to sleep, let alone help with the match-making process. And remember all those times a friend or family member said they knew the perfect match for you, but the guy/girl turned out to be a stamp-collecting sociopath who makes dolls with real human hair? Trust us, your better off on your own.
Dad at the Mall
I took my Dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes (he is 92). We decided
to grab a bite at the Food Court . I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him.
The teenager had spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange and blue. My Dad kept staring at him. The teenager would look and find him staring every time.
When the teenager had had enough, he sarcastically asked, "What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?"
Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food so that I would not choke on his response, knowing he would have a good one. And, in classic style, he did not bat an eye in his response:
'Got drunk once and fucked a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.'
to grab a bite at the Food Court . I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him.
The teenager had spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange and blue. My Dad kept staring at him. The teenager would look and find him staring every time.
When the teenager had had enough, he sarcastically asked, "What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?"
Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food so that I would not choke on his response, knowing he would have a good one. And, in classic style, he did not bat an eye in his response:
'Got drunk once and fucked a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.'
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Favorite Gravestone Rubbing - Username: Elloe
If you kicked the bucket today what would it say on your gravestone?
Please don't embalm or burn me. Just bury me in a cardboard box in my parents back yard. Much thanks. Oh wait, I mean that's what will be tattooed to my body. I shall lay in an unmarked grave deep enough to prevent the family dog from digging up my femur for a chew toy. That might be upsetting to the living.
Please don't embalm or burn me. Just bury me in a cardboard box in my parents back yard. Much thanks. Oh wait, I mean that's what will be tattooed to my body. I shall lay in an unmarked grave deep enough to prevent the family dog from digging up my femur for a chew toy. That might be upsetting to the living.
Date Like You Mean It
Seriously, the best way to meet someone is to really try. Shine up the old Camaro, dust off the push-up bra, floss your freaking teeth, lose the leg warmers, read the paper, ditch the attitude, trim the hedges, do some squat thrusts, coif the dew.
Point is, you gotta step it up. The internet is a rock solid place to narrow the field, to find the homies and honies that float your boat. Shit, I've certainly dabbled. I actually started Fringles cause I was sick of paying for all those lame sites that actually cost money and don't really do anything other than annoy the piss out of you and pretend to use secret love potion algorhythms to match you with your soulmate.
But you gotta be willing to put on fresh undies or a thong and pucker your lips, or at least wax respectfully on current events and the reasons for your chastity.
Okay, so only like 30% of what I say makes sense. Chicks don't seem to mind, and dudes like me. My name is Jimmy Britto for crying out loud. What is not to like about that.
Point is, you gotta step it up. The internet is a rock solid place to narrow the field, to find the homies and honies that float your boat. Shit, I've certainly dabbled. I actually started Fringles cause I was sick of paying for all those lame sites that actually cost money and don't really do anything other than annoy the piss out of you and pretend to use secret love potion algorhythms to match you with your soulmate.
But you gotta be willing to put on fresh undies or a thong and pucker your lips, or at least wax respectfully on current events and the reasons for your chastity.
Okay, so only like 30% of what I say makes sense. Chicks don't seem to mind, and dudes like me. My name is Jimmy Britto for crying out loud. What is not to like about that.
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