Step 1
Make an escape plan with a friend ahead of time. If you are one of those fatalistic people that think every blind date could potentially be a bad one, then you know that planning ahead for disaster is sometimes necessary.Before you go out on your blind date, plan ahead with a good friend for a possible escape plan. If your blind date starts to turn sour, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. Once there, text your friend a code that you have determined ahead of time. It could be something as simple as "how are you?"Once back at the table, your friend will know to wait 10 minutes, then call you. On the other end of the line, your friend will be sobbing, in emotional ruin because something terrible has happened. You must rush to your friend's side to help them through this crisis. Any reasonable person will understand this situation, and you've gotten out of your terrible blind date, Scott-free.
Step 2
Wear them out. If you can feel that the blind date is lethargic, you can always make them want to go home, so the responsibility doesn't rest on your shoulders for ending the date prematurely. One way to do this is to run them ragged.
Rush through your dinner at a sprinter's pace, and tell your date that you can't wait to get out of the restaurant so they can move on to the next item of the evening. If you have something stationary like a movie planned, tell your date you want to ditch the movie and walk around a local park instead. Keep the activities physically taxing and before you know it, he'll be looking at his watch and making excuses to head home.
Step 3
Convince them that you're crazy. Nothing's a bigger turn-off than a loony bird and if you can convince them that you're crazy, you may have a quick ticket out of your blind date.Start off slow with some stories about your family. Maybe something about your unnatural attachment to your mother or a disturbing story about camp when you were little.After a while, start displaying subtle but odd behavior, like polishing your butter knife every 30 seconds. After about half an hour of this strange behavior, your date will very likely be eager to find the waiter for the check and you'll be able to move on as well.
Step 4
Be honest. The best, if not the most difficult, way to get out of a blind date is by simply telling the other person the truth. This can be the hardest route because honesty is a hard pill to swallow.No one wants to hear that they aren't right for someone else, or that something they planned and looked forward to isn't working out. It isn't fun for either person to give or receive this news, but in the long run, it is the best policy.They will always remember you as the one guy that didn't feed them a line or lie to them and ultimately that reflects on you as being an ethical person.Who knows, maybe they'll end up talking about you to one of their friends who is right for you and something good will come of that, instead.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Quote of the day Quote of the day as it pertains to the world of online dating !!
Is it an excellence in your love that it can love only the extraordinary, the rare? If it were love’s merit to love the extraordinary, then God would be — if I dare say so — perplexed, for to Him the extraordinary does not exist at all. The merit of being able to love only the extraordinary is therefore more like an accusation, not against the extraordinary nor against love, but against the love which can love only the extraordinary. Perfection in the object is not perfection in the love. Erotic love is determined by the object; friendship is determined by the object; only love of one’s neighbor is determined by love. Therefore genuine love is recognizable by this, that its object is without any of the more definite qualifications of difference, which means that this love is recognizable only by love.
~ Søren Kierkegaard ~
Is it an excellence in your love that it can love only the extraordinary, the rare? If it were love’s merit to love the extraordinary, then God would be — if I dare say so — perplexed, for to Him the extraordinary does not exist at all. The merit of being able to love only the extraordinary is therefore more like an accusation, not against the extraordinary nor against love, but against the love which can love only the extraordinary. Perfection in the object is not perfection in the love. Erotic love is determined by the object; friendship is determined by the object; only love of one’s neighbor is determined by love. Therefore genuine love is recognizable by this, that its object is without any of the more definite qualifications of difference, which means that this love is recognizable only by love.
~ Søren Kierkegaard ~
Monday, May 4, 2009
The 20 best date movies ever
20 House of Flying Daggers
Zhang Yimou, 2004
Love is a dangerous game in this martial-arts spectacular. In Tang dynasty China, a handsome young warrior rescues a beautiful blind woman allied with a rebel army. As they flee the pursuing government officers, inevitably they fall in love. But both are harbouring secrets from each other – can love survive the truth? The breath-taking battle sequences make this the perfect date movie for people who like a little fight in their relationships.
19 An Officer and a Gentleman
Taylor Hackford, 1982
A rare chick-flick-guy-movie hybrid, this tale of a wannabe aviator, Zack Mayo (Richard Gere), and his agonising year in flight-school, has bar brawls, punch-ups and endless scenes of “Mayonaaaise” being abused by gunnery sergeant Emil Foley (Louis Gossett Jr). Yet it’s also loaded with love stuff, courtesy of Mayo’s local hottie (Debra Winger). Despite the rousing final scene, note that the real romance is between Mayo and Foley.
"Odd combination of new-fangled performers": how The Times reviewed it, 1983
18 Shortbus
John Cameron Mitchell, 2006
A bit of a baptism of fire, this one. If you can get past the opening titles – a riot of unsimulated sexual acts – this film has an emotionally satisfying core that transcends the orgies and erect members. The adventures of a group of carnally creative New Yorkers, Shortbus provides an inclusive, unexpectedly romantic look at unconventional relationships.
17 Dark Water
Hideo Nakata, 2002
Horror films make great date movies – what better excuse to grab part of your date’s anatomy than some hell-spook lunging at you from the screen? And they don’t get much creepier than this Japanese ghost story about a single mother, her little girl and an apartment block with a sinister damp patch. Rather than the repeated jumps of an American horror, the film relies on a gradual build-up of unbearable tension.
16 Jerry Maguire
Cameron Crowe, 1996
Crowe’s sports movie romance is ideal for date-movie virgins. Just slushy enough to jerk some tears, it bounces the sports agent Tom Cruise (at his most appealing) between Cuba Gooding Jr’s ambitious American footballer and Renée Zellweger’s idealistic assistant. Yes, the comedy is understated, and the football scenes are only vaguely exciting. But the payoff is Cruise facing Zellweger across the living room, baring his soul. “I love you.” Sniffle. “You, complete, me!”
15 Crazy/Beautiful
John Stockwell, 2001
Stockwell’s ostensibly formulaic movie is about a rich Pacific Palisades wild child (Kirsten Dunst) falling for a hard-working Latino (Jay Hernandez) from the wrong side of LA. And yet, beneath the star-crossed premise lies a remarkable ability to tap into the pain, the confusion and the sheer eye-moistening beauty of first teenage love. When Dunst blubs, half in shock, half in wonder, to Hernandez, “I think I’m in love with you!” it’s a cue to entwine fingers with your partner.
14 Monsoon Wedding
Mira Nair, 2001
Picking a movie about a wedding might set the alarm bells ringing, particularly if this is a first date, but what the heck. Vibrant and messy, joyful but with an honest approach to the characters’ problems, Monsoon Wedding is a delight. And amid the chaos of a big Punjabi wedding a heartswelling love blossoms between the wedding planner P. K. Dubey and the family maid Alice. Pure romance.
13 Ghost
Jerry Zucker, 1990
A date-movie heavyweight, Ghost contains the tragic death of a paramour, love from beyond the grave, and Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore getting jiggy by the potter’s wheel. Thus, when Swayze’s dead accounts manager eventually tells Moore’s blubbing artist, in the ghostly climax: “I love you, Molly”, it’s hard not to go gooey inside. An evening of slush beckons as you and your date promise to haunt each other after death.
12 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Michel Gondry, 2004
Gondry’s movie is strong medicine for couples unsure of their long-term prospects. It charts the implosion of the relationship between nerdy Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) and idiosyncratic Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet). It also posits a brutal world where sexual betrayal and manipulation are the norm. Nonetheless, in there lives the notion that we return to the romantic battle-field because the prospect of feeling love is greater than any pain. Which is kind of cute.
11 Dirty Dancing
Emile Ardolino, 1987
This fantastically preposterous movie about a group of rebel dancers lead by Patrick Swayze’s Johnny Castle is a dual purpose date flick. Johnny’s bad-ass attempts at liberating Baby Houseman (Jennifer Grey) through the power of dance and awful dialogue (“Nobody puts Baby in the corner!”) can be enjoyed with a wild ironic sneer, or as a cosy warm-up to a night of beginner’s salsa. Either way, you’re on to a winner.
10 Scream
Wes Craven, 1996
Just because Wes Craven’s self-aware teen slasher movie mischievously references numerous Hollywood horror movies it doesn’t mean that there aren’t some real scares in this smart-aleck revamping of the serial killer flick. The combination of date-grabbing narrative shocks, edge-of-the-seat tension and some very funny in-jokes make this an ideal date flick for fans of popcorn horror.
9 North by Northwest
Alfred Hitchcock, 1959
It’s all about the power of suggestion here. After two hours of frenetic pursuits and international espionage, the mild-mannered advertising executive Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) and the hot blonde super-spy Eve Kendall (Eva Marie Saint) finally get steamy on a transcontinental love train. They kiss, they embrace and, just before the final credits, their phallic train plunges proudly into a gaping tunnel. You then turn, smiling, to your date. Yup, it’s that time of the night.
"Expert bit of film-making": The Times 1959 review
8 A bout de souffle
Jean-Luc Godard, 1960
This French New Wave standard bearer about a Bogart-obsessed criminal (Jean-Paul Belmondo) and his idealistic American moll (Jean Seberg) sets the perfect tone for ironic hipster romantics. Chunks of narrative time are spent in a Parisian bedroom, where the seminaked Seberg and Belmondo debate happiness, freedom and intimacy. It remains fresh today, just on the right side of sexy-cool.
"A film that holds the imagination": read The Times review from 1960
7 In the Mood For Love
Wong Kar Wai, 2000
Languid, lush, balmy and undercut with an exquisite melancholy – this has to be one of the most visually gorgeous cinema romances of all time. In Hong Kong, 1962, a journalist, Mr Chow (Tony Leung), and Mrs Chan (Maggie Cheung) are neighbours who discover that their spouses are having an affair with each other. Flung together by the betrayal, the pair fall for each other. The buttoned-up repression of their feelings triggers a smouldering, slow-burning build-up of sexual tension. Phew.
6 Before Sunrise/Before Sunset
Richard Linklater, 1995/2004
Watch either film on its own or treat yourself to a double bill of the wordy, witty banter between Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy), strangers in the night whose stolen moments together spark with shared ideas and mutual yearning. The sequel, set ten years after the pair’s first meeting, is even more poignant: experience has tempered the boundless optimism of youth; there’s less pretension and more genuine feeling in the snatched conversations during their daylong adventure in Paris. Gorgeous stuff.
5 Sideways
Alexander Payne, 2004
This is the perfect date movie for diehard cynics who, deep down, want to believe in the transformative power of love. Oh, and alcoholics. Ostensibly a darkly comic portrait of the friendship between the tortured divorcé Miles (Paul Giamatti) and ladies’ man Jack (Thomas Haden Church), the film gathers some romantic momentum when sad-sack Miles meets a fellow wine buff Maya (Virginia Madsen). Maya’s treatise on her favourite grape varieties is a devastatingly sexy coded message to hapless Miles; the film’s ending gives a glimpse of hope to us all.
4 Say Anything . . .
Cameron Crowe, 1989
I defy anyone not to melt at the scene where John Cusack serenades his former sweetheart Ione Skye by playing Peter Gabriel’s In Your Eyes on his ghetto-blaster beneath her window. And while Cusack’s choice of portable stereo equipment certainly dates the movie, the story and the engaging performances are as fresh as ever. A love story with integrity, this movie sets a benchmark for high school romances that cinema all too rarely reaches.
3 Brokeback Mountain
Ang Lee, 2005
The emblematic quote, “I wish I knew how to quit you”, has become something of a punchline now, thanks to the endless Brokeback parodies that followed in the movie’s wake. Yet Lee’s film remains a sucker-punch testament to the power of love against the odds (in this case two tough hired hands, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, who fall for each other). The gay-bashing finale, plus the recent loss of Ledger, is a downer, but you’ll certainly have plenty to talk about over starters.
2 Annie Hall
Woody Allen, 1977
The course of true love never did run smooth, but in Allen’s wry comedy of sexual manners it’s a minefield of neuroses. It’s perhaps counter-intuitive that a film about the breakdown of a mismatched relationship between the sarky pessimist Alvy Singer and ditsy Annie Hall should be such a terrific date movie. But there’s something so joyfully transcendent about sharing the pitch-perfect comedy of, for example, the lobster scene with a loved one that you forget that Alvy and Annie’s romance was doomed and concentrate on the quicksilver banter and mercurial wit.
"The very best of friends": what The Times said in 1977
1 The Philadelphia Story
George Cukor, 1940
A wedding movie before the concept became a cliché, and a rom-com before the genre was invented, The Philadelphia Story is the original and the definitive date flick. Genuine screen chemistry and rapid-fire badinage abound, as the boozy reporter James Stewart, the smoothie exhusband Cary Grant and the acridly witty bride-to-be Katharine Hepburn bicker, flirt and smooch around a Long Island mansion on the eve of the latter’s society wedding. Smart and romantic, without being saccharine, it is the giddy mood-setter par excellence for any date.
by The Times
Zhang Yimou, 2004
Love is a dangerous game in this martial-arts spectacular. In Tang dynasty China, a handsome young warrior rescues a beautiful blind woman allied with a rebel army. As they flee the pursuing government officers, inevitably they fall in love. But both are harbouring secrets from each other – can love survive the truth? The breath-taking battle sequences make this the perfect date movie for people who like a little fight in their relationships.
19 An Officer and a Gentleman
Taylor Hackford, 1982
A rare chick-flick-guy-movie hybrid, this tale of a wannabe aviator, Zack Mayo (Richard Gere), and his agonising year in flight-school, has bar brawls, punch-ups and endless scenes of “Mayonaaaise” being abused by gunnery sergeant Emil Foley (Louis Gossett Jr). Yet it’s also loaded with love stuff, courtesy of Mayo’s local hottie (Debra Winger). Despite the rousing final scene, note that the real romance is between Mayo and Foley.
"Odd combination of new-fangled performers": how The Times reviewed it, 1983
18 Shortbus
John Cameron Mitchell, 2006
A bit of a baptism of fire, this one. If you can get past the opening titles – a riot of unsimulated sexual acts – this film has an emotionally satisfying core that transcends the orgies and erect members. The adventures of a group of carnally creative New Yorkers, Shortbus provides an inclusive, unexpectedly romantic look at unconventional relationships.
17 Dark Water
Hideo Nakata, 2002
Horror films make great date movies – what better excuse to grab part of your date’s anatomy than some hell-spook lunging at you from the screen? And they don’t get much creepier than this Japanese ghost story about a single mother, her little girl and an apartment block with a sinister damp patch. Rather than the repeated jumps of an American horror, the film relies on a gradual build-up of unbearable tension.
16 Jerry Maguire
Cameron Crowe, 1996
Crowe’s sports movie romance is ideal for date-movie virgins. Just slushy enough to jerk some tears, it bounces the sports agent Tom Cruise (at his most appealing) between Cuba Gooding Jr’s ambitious American footballer and Renée Zellweger’s idealistic assistant. Yes, the comedy is understated, and the football scenes are only vaguely exciting. But the payoff is Cruise facing Zellweger across the living room, baring his soul. “I love you.” Sniffle. “You, complete, me!”
15 Crazy/Beautiful
John Stockwell, 2001
Stockwell’s ostensibly formulaic movie is about a rich Pacific Palisades wild child (Kirsten Dunst) falling for a hard-working Latino (Jay Hernandez) from the wrong side of LA. And yet, beneath the star-crossed premise lies a remarkable ability to tap into the pain, the confusion and the sheer eye-moistening beauty of first teenage love. When Dunst blubs, half in shock, half in wonder, to Hernandez, “I think I’m in love with you!” it’s a cue to entwine fingers with your partner.
14 Monsoon Wedding
Mira Nair, 2001
Picking a movie about a wedding might set the alarm bells ringing, particularly if this is a first date, but what the heck. Vibrant and messy, joyful but with an honest approach to the characters’ problems, Monsoon Wedding is a delight. And amid the chaos of a big Punjabi wedding a heartswelling love blossoms between the wedding planner P. K. Dubey and the family maid Alice. Pure romance.
13 Ghost
Jerry Zucker, 1990
A date-movie heavyweight, Ghost contains the tragic death of a paramour, love from beyond the grave, and Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore getting jiggy by the potter’s wheel. Thus, when Swayze’s dead accounts manager eventually tells Moore’s blubbing artist, in the ghostly climax: “I love you, Molly”, it’s hard not to go gooey inside. An evening of slush beckons as you and your date promise to haunt each other after death.
12 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Michel Gondry, 2004
Gondry’s movie is strong medicine for couples unsure of their long-term prospects. It charts the implosion of the relationship between nerdy Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) and idiosyncratic Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet). It also posits a brutal world where sexual betrayal and manipulation are the norm. Nonetheless, in there lives the notion that we return to the romantic battle-field because the prospect of feeling love is greater than any pain. Which is kind of cute.
11 Dirty Dancing
Emile Ardolino, 1987
This fantastically preposterous movie about a group of rebel dancers lead by Patrick Swayze’s Johnny Castle is a dual purpose date flick. Johnny’s bad-ass attempts at liberating Baby Houseman (Jennifer Grey) through the power of dance and awful dialogue (“Nobody puts Baby in the corner!”) can be enjoyed with a wild ironic sneer, or as a cosy warm-up to a night of beginner’s salsa. Either way, you’re on to a winner.
10 Scream
Wes Craven, 1996
Just because Wes Craven’s self-aware teen slasher movie mischievously references numerous Hollywood horror movies it doesn’t mean that there aren’t some real scares in this smart-aleck revamping of the serial killer flick. The combination of date-grabbing narrative shocks, edge-of-the-seat tension and some very funny in-jokes make this an ideal date flick for fans of popcorn horror.
9 North by Northwest
Alfred Hitchcock, 1959
It’s all about the power of suggestion here. After two hours of frenetic pursuits and international espionage, the mild-mannered advertising executive Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) and the hot blonde super-spy Eve Kendall (Eva Marie Saint) finally get steamy on a transcontinental love train. They kiss, they embrace and, just before the final credits, their phallic train plunges proudly into a gaping tunnel. You then turn, smiling, to your date. Yup, it’s that time of the night.
"Expert bit of film-making": The Times 1959 review
8 A bout de souffle
Jean-Luc Godard, 1960
This French New Wave standard bearer about a Bogart-obsessed criminal (Jean-Paul Belmondo) and his idealistic American moll (Jean Seberg) sets the perfect tone for ironic hipster romantics. Chunks of narrative time are spent in a Parisian bedroom, where the seminaked Seberg and Belmondo debate happiness, freedom and intimacy. It remains fresh today, just on the right side of sexy-cool.
"A film that holds the imagination": read The Times review from 1960
7 In the Mood For Love
Wong Kar Wai, 2000
Languid, lush, balmy and undercut with an exquisite melancholy – this has to be one of the most visually gorgeous cinema romances of all time. In Hong Kong, 1962, a journalist, Mr Chow (Tony Leung), and Mrs Chan (Maggie Cheung) are neighbours who discover that their spouses are having an affair with each other. Flung together by the betrayal, the pair fall for each other. The buttoned-up repression of their feelings triggers a smouldering, slow-burning build-up of sexual tension. Phew.
6 Before Sunrise/Before Sunset
Richard Linklater, 1995/2004
Watch either film on its own or treat yourself to a double bill of the wordy, witty banter between Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy), strangers in the night whose stolen moments together spark with shared ideas and mutual yearning. The sequel, set ten years after the pair’s first meeting, is even more poignant: experience has tempered the boundless optimism of youth; there’s less pretension and more genuine feeling in the snatched conversations during their daylong adventure in Paris. Gorgeous stuff.
5 Sideways
Alexander Payne, 2004
This is the perfect date movie for diehard cynics who, deep down, want to believe in the transformative power of love. Oh, and alcoholics. Ostensibly a darkly comic portrait of the friendship between the tortured divorcé Miles (Paul Giamatti) and ladies’ man Jack (Thomas Haden Church), the film gathers some romantic momentum when sad-sack Miles meets a fellow wine buff Maya (Virginia Madsen). Maya’s treatise on her favourite grape varieties is a devastatingly sexy coded message to hapless Miles; the film’s ending gives a glimpse of hope to us all.
4 Say Anything . . .
Cameron Crowe, 1989
I defy anyone not to melt at the scene where John Cusack serenades his former sweetheart Ione Skye by playing Peter Gabriel’s In Your Eyes on his ghetto-blaster beneath her window. And while Cusack’s choice of portable stereo equipment certainly dates the movie, the story and the engaging performances are as fresh as ever. A love story with integrity, this movie sets a benchmark for high school romances that cinema all too rarely reaches.
3 Brokeback Mountain
Ang Lee, 2005
The emblematic quote, “I wish I knew how to quit you”, has become something of a punchline now, thanks to the endless Brokeback parodies that followed in the movie’s wake. Yet Lee’s film remains a sucker-punch testament to the power of love against the odds (in this case two tough hired hands, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, who fall for each other). The gay-bashing finale, plus the recent loss of Ledger, is a downer, but you’ll certainly have plenty to talk about over starters.
2 Annie Hall
Woody Allen, 1977
The course of true love never did run smooth, but in Allen’s wry comedy of sexual manners it’s a minefield of neuroses. It’s perhaps counter-intuitive that a film about the breakdown of a mismatched relationship between the sarky pessimist Alvy Singer and ditsy Annie Hall should be such a terrific date movie. But there’s something so joyfully transcendent about sharing the pitch-perfect comedy of, for example, the lobster scene with a loved one that you forget that Alvy and Annie’s romance was doomed and concentrate on the quicksilver banter and mercurial wit.
"The very best of friends": what The Times said in 1977
1 The Philadelphia Story
George Cukor, 1940
A wedding movie before the concept became a cliché, and a rom-com before the genre was invented, The Philadelphia Story is the original and the definitive date flick. Genuine screen chemistry and rapid-fire badinage abound, as the boozy reporter James Stewart, the smoothie exhusband Cary Grant and the acridly witty bride-to-be Katharine Hepburn bicker, flirt and smooch around a Long Island mansion on the eve of the latter’s society wedding. Smart and romantic, without being saccharine, it is the giddy mood-setter par excellence for any date.
by The Times
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tips on Dating
How Can I Tell If Someone Is Interested In Me?
Somewhere between 80-90 percent of all first dates occur after two people show each other a little attention. People typically do not ask someone out that they do not know. So if you want to ask someone out, it's a good idea to try talking with the person first or, at the very least, establish a little eye contact. In general, most people can get a feel for whether someone would want to date them or not. If you do not know whether the person is interested in you, take a little more time and try to interact with them before you ask them out. Do they respond to your attempts at communication? Do they flirt with you? Do they smile at you? Are they open with you? Answer these questions and you will know if someone is interested in you.
What If She´s Out of My League?
We live in a democracy, but it's funny how class distinctions rear their ugly head where dating is concerned. Suddenly certain boys and girls are 'better' or 'too good' for others. Remember, the only one making that distinction is you. If you want to ask out a girl -- regardless of her 'class,' do so, being confident that she will say yes. She´ll be more likely to say yes to someone who is confident. And who knows? She may not get asked out all that often because many boys think the same way you do. Take a chance. You may have a date with a girl 'way out of your league' this weekend.
What Is Self-Love and How Does It Apply to Dating?
Loving oneself is an important factor in developing dating skills. Below are some behaviors that are present when someone truly loves him or herself:
a) acknowledging and praising yourself verbally--to yourself
b) surrounding yourself with people who nourish you
c) developing your creative drives
d) having fun
e) surrounding yourself with beauty
f) creating an abundant network of friends
g) rewarding yourself
h) having confidence in your abilities
i) letting yourself win
j) following your own intuition
k) seeing your own perfection
l) taking credit for what you did
m) seeing yourself as equal to others
n) letting in affection
If you truly love yourself, you exude an air of confidence and good will that makes you more attractive to potential dating partners. So, love yourself!
Somewhere between 80-90 percent of all first dates occur after two people show each other a little attention. People typically do not ask someone out that they do not know. So if you want to ask someone out, it's a good idea to try talking with the person first or, at the very least, establish a little eye contact. In general, most people can get a feel for whether someone would want to date them or not. If you do not know whether the person is interested in you, take a little more time and try to interact with them before you ask them out. Do they respond to your attempts at communication? Do they flirt with you? Do they smile at you? Are they open with you? Answer these questions and you will know if someone is interested in you.
What If She´s Out of My League?
We live in a democracy, but it's funny how class distinctions rear their ugly head where dating is concerned. Suddenly certain boys and girls are 'better' or 'too good' for others. Remember, the only one making that distinction is you. If you want to ask out a girl -- regardless of her 'class,' do so, being confident that she will say yes. She´ll be more likely to say yes to someone who is confident. And who knows? She may not get asked out all that often because many boys think the same way you do. Take a chance. You may have a date with a girl 'way out of your league' this weekend.
What Is Self-Love and How Does It Apply to Dating?
Loving oneself is an important factor in developing dating skills. Below are some behaviors that are present when someone truly loves him or herself:
a) acknowledging and praising yourself verbally--to yourself
b) surrounding yourself with people who nourish you
c) developing your creative drives
d) having fun
e) surrounding yourself with beauty
f) creating an abundant network of friends
g) rewarding yourself
h) having confidence in your abilities
i) letting yourself win
j) following your own intuition
k) seeing your own perfection
l) taking credit for what you did
m) seeing yourself as equal to others
n) letting in affection
If you truly love yourself, you exude an air of confidence and good will that makes you more attractive to potential dating partners. So, love yourself!
Monday, April 20, 2009
5 Guy Tendencies You’re Just Gonna Have To Deal With
Men love to argue that women want to ‘change’ them. Ok. But that is irrelevant. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And even if you could, would you want to be dating that dog?
The simple truth is that there are male tendencies that we just have to tolerate if we’re going to have a man around often enough to get annoyed. Don’t bother denouncing these guy habits. They’re gonna be there whether you see them or not, and whether you accept them or not.
5 Guy Tendencies We’re Just Gonna Have To Deal With
1. Memory.
Ladies, we can sponge up information, particularly conversation details, all we want. This isn’t going to make men better listeners, let alone rememberers. I don’t know the science of how our brains are wired, but I do know that men don’t give a sh*t about 80% of what we give a sh*t about, and they’re not going to go out of their way any time soon to start giving a sh*t. Date plans, anniversaries, your favorite color, that time your mother pissed you off…don’t expect any recollections from men.
2. Flakiness.
Since a lot of guys can’t remember things, (see above), a lot of them are also liable to flake out on you. Should you put up with this one? Eh, I don’t. But be ready. Men will, moreso than women in my opinion, flake out of dates/arrangements with you and you’ll be expected to understand.
3. “You Need Me” Syndrome.
Men love to feel needed. Honestly, who doesn’t? But certain male needs require needing to feel like a…well…MAN. Most men want to pay for your dinner, want to drive, and want to be stronger and bigger than you. If you can’t deal with this, no worries. There are stilly plenty of girly guys out there.
4. The Sexuality of Women.
You’re not going to make a man stop seeing other women sexually, so if you think you can, you might as well quit while you’re ahead. Your man might stop going to strip clubs, looking at porn, or staring at girls’ asses (in front of you), but he’ll still stare behind your back. Men are programmed this way; it’s just one of those things.
5. Money.
Men don’t always value things the way women do. They might want to buy a new fancy car when you would maybe rather put the money toward a house. They might think that spending $100 a weekend at the bar is worth it and you may not. The important thing? It’s not your money. You have to get over this one and leave your concern only for how you spend your own money; not how he spends his.
By Elizabeth-Baruch College
The simple truth is that there are male tendencies that we just have to tolerate if we’re going to have a man around often enough to get annoyed. Don’t bother denouncing these guy habits. They’re gonna be there whether you see them or not, and whether you accept them or not.
5 Guy Tendencies We’re Just Gonna Have To Deal With
1. Memory.
Ladies, we can sponge up information, particularly conversation details, all we want. This isn’t going to make men better listeners, let alone rememberers. I don’t know the science of how our brains are wired, but I do know that men don’t give a sh*t about 80% of what we give a sh*t about, and they’re not going to go out of their way any time soon to start giving a sh*t. Date plans, anniversaries, your favorite color, that time your mother pissed you off…don’t expect any recollections from men.
2. Flakiness.
Since a lot of guys can’t remember things, (see above), a lot of them are also liable to flake out on you. Should you put up with this one? Eh, I don’t. But be ready. Men will, moreso than women in my opinion, flake out of dates/arrangements with you and you’ll be expected to understand.
3. “You Need Me” Syndrome.
Men love to feel needed. Honestly, who doesn’t? But certain male needs require needing to feel like a…well…MAN. Most men want to pay for your dinner, want to drive, and want to be stronger and bigger than you. If you can’t deal with this, no worries. There are stilly plenty of girly guys out there.
4. The Sexuality of Women.
You’re not going to make a man stop seeing other women sexually, so if you think you can, you might as well quit while you’re ahead. Your man might stop going to strip clubs, looking at porn, or staring at girls’ asses (in front of you), but he’ll still stare behind your back. Men are programmed this way; it’s just one of those things.
5. Money.
Men don’t always value things the way women do. They might want to buy a new fancy car when you would maybe rather put the money toward a house. They might think that spending $100 a weekend at the bar is worth it and you may not. The important thing? It’s not your money. You have to get over this one and leave your concern only for how you spend your own money; not how he spends his.
By Elizabeth-Baruch College
Monday, April 13, 2009
What To Do When Your Family Hates Your Significant Other
In our mental image of a perfect life, we are sitting around the Sunday dinner table surrounded by all of the people that we love. Our parents, husbands, children and other relatives are all together and enjoying each other’s company. While this Norman Rockwell-ish scene is a lovely way to live, in reality this is not how it always happens.
Some of us are blessed to have families who love our significant others as if they were always a part of the family, while in other cases some families want nothing to do with a loved one’s spouse or partner. While it can be stressful and upsetting when the ones you love most do not get along, there are some things you can do to help ease the pain and tension.
Talk it out
Find out what is causing the hard feelings between your loved ones and do what you can to initiate a civilized conversation about the problem. It may just be a misunderstanding or unfounded fears and worries that are causing the problem between your family members. If so, a little conversation may be all it takes to get everyone on the same page.
Don’t allow disrespect
Whether or not your significant other is around, do not allow your family members to disrespect them or speak unkindly about them. If they start, quickly let them know that this will not be tolerated and you will remove yourself from their presence if it continues. Ask that they at least respect your place and your feelings by keeping their opinions to themselves.
Ask for outside help
If you cannot seem to get your loved ones to come to an understanding, consider having someone step in as a mediator. Often when someone who is removed from the situation helps to intervene, a happy medium can be reached. Bringing in someone from the outside, such as a counsellor or professional mediator, might sound extreme, but remember that these are the people who matter most in your life and having them at least get along will make all of your lives much happier.
Split your time
When all else fails, try to spend time with your family and your spouse or boyfriend separately. Share holidays and special occasions between them so that you can still have quality time with everyone that you love. This can sometimes make you feel a bit stressed, but if you cannot get your family and significant other to a point where they can tolerate each other, this is the only way to keep everyone happy.
Keep everyone involved
Problems between your spouse and your family can be extremely difficult when you have children. Try to include everyone in special events that involve your children and make sure that the kids’ feelings and emotions are kept at the forefront during these times. Remind them that they are all adults and can certainly tolerate each other for a while for the sake of the children and their feelings.
Try not to take sides
As difficult as it may be, especially when there is an obvious right and wrong party, try not to choose your spouse over your family or vice versa. Just let them know that you love them all and are disappointed that they cannot accept each other and get along. Choosing one over the other will likely only make the hard feelings even worse and create an even messier situation for you to deal with.
Never blame yourself or take the blame
No matter how bad things get, always remember that you cannot control people’s feelings. If your family does not like your choice of partner, this is not your fault though it can be your problem. Do not feel guilty about their feelings or allow anyone to blame you for the way they are acting. They are adults who can make their own decision about how to act, as are you.
Hopefully, you can get things to a point where your family can at least get along with your significant other and be comfortable together. If not, you will just have to find a way to keep everyone separated to keep the peace. Feuding families can be one of the most stressful things to deal with, but in order to keep everyone you love in your life; it is sometimes a necessary evil. Try to be the bigger person and do your part to bring everyone together, without stepping on toes and hurting feelings further. It may not work, but at least you know that you tried.
Some of us are blessed to have families who love our significant others as if they were always a part of the family, while in other cases some families want nothing to do with a loved one’s spouse or partner. While it can be stressful and upsetting when the ones you love most do not get along, there are some things you can do to help ease the pain and tension.
Talk it out
Find out what is causing the hard feelings between your loved ones and do what you can to initiate a civilized conversation about the problem. It may just be a misunderstanding or unfounded fears and worries that are causing the problem between your family members. If so, a little conversation may be all it takes to get everyone on the same page.
Don’t allow disrespect
Whether or not your significant other is around, do not allow your family members to disrespect them or speak unkindly about them. If they start, quickly let them know that this will not be tolerated and you will remove yourself from their presence if it continues. Ask that they at least respect your place and your feelings by keeping their opinions to themselves.
Ask for outside help
If you cannot seem to get your loved ones to come to an understanding, consider having someone step in as a mediator. Often when someone who is removed from the situation helps to intervene, a happy medium can be reached. Bringing in someone from the outside, such as a counsellor or professional mediator, might sound extreme, but remember that these are the people who matter most in your life and having them at least get along will make all of your lives much happier.
Split your time
When all else fails, try to spend time with your family and your spouse or boyfriend separately. Share holidays and special occasions between them so that you can still have quality time with everyone that you love. This can sometimes make you feel a bit stressed, but if you cannot get your family and significant other to a point where they can tolerate each other, this is the only way to keep everyone happy.
Keep everyone involved
Problems between your spouse and your family can be extremely difficult when you have children. Try to include everyone in special events that involve your children and make sure that the kids’ feelings and emotions are kept at the forefront during these times. Remind them that they are all adults and can certainly tolerate each other for a while for the sake of the children and their feelings.
Try not to take sides
As difficult as it may be, especially when there is an obvious right and wrong party, try not to choose your spouse over your family or vice versa. Just let them know that you love them all and are disappointed that they cannot accept each other and get along. Choosing one over the other will likely only make the hard feelings even worse and create an even messier situation for you to deal with.
Never blame yourself or take the blame
No matter how bad things get, always remember that you cannot control people’s feelings. If your family does not like your choice of partner, this is not your fault though it can be your problem. Do not feel guilty about their feelings or allow anyone to blame you for the way they are acting. They are adults who can make their own decision about how to act, as are you.
Hopefully, you can get things to a point where your family can at least get along with your significant other and be comfortable together. If not, you will just have to find a way to keep everyone separated to keep the peace. Feuding families can be one of the most stressful things to deal with, but in order to keep everyone you love in your life; it is sometimes a necessary evil. Try to be the bigger person and do your part to bring everyone together, without stepping on toes and hurting feelings further. It may not work, but at least you know that you tried.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
How to Make The First Move on a Date
While it’s acceptable to wait for your date’s advances, it’s more fun and fulfilling to create your own destiny. Making the first move on date doesn’t have to be the awful experience. With a little confidence and timing, you can readily enjoy the benefits of taking matters into your own hands. Don’t let shyness or lack of skill stop you from sharing in a magical dating moment. Read on to learn how to make the first move on a date.
Break the ice. Dating can be a nerve-wracking experience so allow your date to relax by setting the appropriate atmosphere. Engage your date in interesting conversation to break any silence and relieve nervous tension. Consider playing music to help set the desired mood. The goal is to make your date feel as comfortable as possible while you plan your next move.
Build your confidence. You must be confident in order to make the first move on a date. Judge your date’s reactions to your witty jokes and playful banter. As your date begins to ease into the moment, take pride in your ability to be an engaging host or hostess. Accept any compliments you’re given to help boost your own ego. Besides, you must have something desirable or you wouldn’t be on the date in the first place.
Test the waters. Attempt to make physical contact with your date. Do things like brushing up against them while you’re reaching for the remote or engaging them in a playful game of tag. Use your date’s reaction to pick your next move. Outright disgust should be taken as a sign to immediately adjust your approach while flirtatious signals should encourage you to continue with your mission.
Make your move. Your actions should be deliberate and unmistakable. This is not the time to second guess your results or lose confidence in yourself or your abilities. Lean in close to your date and let them know your desires. Choose between verbal and nonverbal communication to make your point known. For example, grab your date’s hand as you pucker up for that perfect kiss.
Accept the results. Your date is entitled to their own reaction to your move making. If you are successful, enjoy the moment and go with the flow of the situation. Don’t take it too personally if your advances are unreturned. No matter the result, you had the courage to make the first move.
by Remy Logan
Break the ice. Dating can be a nerve-wracking experience so allow your date to relax by setting the appropriate atmosphere. Engage your date in interesting conversation to break any silence and relieve nervous tension. Consider playing music to help set the desired mood. The goal is to make your date feel as comfortable as possible while you plan your next move.
Build your confidence. You must be confident in order to make the first move on a date. Judge your date’s reactions to your witty jokes and playful banter. As your date begins to ease into the moment, take pride in your ability to be an engaging host or hostess. Accept any compliments you’re given to help boost your own ego. Besides, you must have something desirable or you wouldn’t be on the date in the first place.
Test the waters. Attempt to make physical contact with your date. Do things like brushing up against them while you’re reaching for the remote or engaging them in a playful game of tag. Use your date’s reaction to pick your next move. Outright disgust should be taken as a sign to immediately adjust your approach while flirtatious signals should encourage you to continue with your mission.
Make your move. Your actions should be deliberate and unmistakable. This is not the time to second guess your results or lose confidence in yourself or your abilities. Lean in close to your date and let them know your desires. Choose between verbal and nonverbal communication to make your point known. For example, grab your date’s hand as you pucker up for that perfect kiss.
Accept the results. Your date is entitled to their own reaction to your move making. If you are successful, enjoy the moment and go with the flow of the situation. Don’t take it too personally if your advances are unreturned. No matter the result, you had the courage to make the first move.
by Remy Logan
How Can I Keep My Man Into Me?
How to keep a man interested is by being independent. It is a comment that I get a lot from men. How to keep a man interested? What exactly do they mean by that?
How to keep a man interested is to be Independent
They like a woman that they haven't completely conquered yet.
Yes, there needs to be closeness and intimacy for a solid relationship. However, the closeness has to evolve in steps. Men get scared easily when it comes to emotions. And some women are in a hurry to share or "load" their emotions. It gives them a fake feeling of closeness.
How to keep a man interested is about slowly divulging your deep personal information about yourself. If you have a troubled pass, if you have been abused, if you had some difficult experience with your ex, or other intense and difficult situations, wait a few months before sharing.
Fill your bank account of love; the currency represented is all the dates and the time that you have spent together. You have laughed, teased each other, and shared happy experiences. Build more of those.
Later, you will have enough to make withdrawals. The withdrawals represent the tough times, the trials, and both of your emotional baggage.
It is important also to be intellectually independent on how to keep a man interested. You need to have your own opinions on situations and on people. It is better to be keen on opinions. And the more you are sharing those, the more harmonious the relationship is.
On the other hand, don't be afraid to express your contrasting opinions. He will respect for it and even more if you are able to defend them with common sense arguments.
It shows that you love yourself and respect yourself enough to be able to affirm who you are. If you respect yourself, he will too. That is how to keep a man interested. If he doesn't, you know what to do; you dump him.
How to keep a man interested: Have your own hobbies, passions, friends and social life
I am not suggesting here to be out all the time. Spend some time away from him once in a while. Don't share everything, everywhere.
By having your own life and your own time, your man will compete for your attention. This keeps him at the tip of his toes.
How to keep a man interested: Acknowledge what he does for you. Not what you would like him to do for you. Or how you would like himto be. Men need to be admired and appreciated for what they accomplish. It could be as ordinary as driving you to work or paying you a vacation.
How to keep a man interested:
Don't be jealous and try not to be naive. Be cool and collected. Be together.
Self confidence is a turn on for men. This is how to keep a man interested.
How to keep a man interested:
Let him have his own time
Men need to be in herd. This is an emotional need for him. Dr. John Gray (Mars and Venus) says that men are like elastics: the more it stretches away from you, the quicker it comes back to you.
You will keep your man's love interested if you give him some freedom. You will soon realize that he will want to be with you even more. When something is not forbidden, what is the trill?
How to keep a man interested:
Fall in love with yourself and he will too Love yourself for who you are. Love your imperfections. That way, you are making the biggest sales pitch.
You won't be easily offended by his possible remarks. Therefore, he won't easily get to you. He will stop. You are easy to live with.
The love stays alive.
Express yourself using "I". Nagging proof.
I know that we like to nag. It releases so much frustration and tension. I read everywhere that women nag too much.
I have a problem with that because I love nagging! It feels so good after! It is an effective way for us women to release tension, frustration and stress.
There is a way to express your frustration without jeopardizing the harmony. Speak by strating your sentences with I; for example, if he hasn't called you as promised, you could nag:
Why haven't called?!!!
Or you could use the I:
I was waiting for you call or I thought that you would call. I haven't planned anything else because I thought that you had planned something for us.
Another example:
Who is that girl that you were talking to, Mr?
Using the I:
I didn't feel comfortable seeing you talking to her
Yes, it requires stepping on your pride. That is a great way to communicate, release the tension, without damaging the relationship. He knows exactly how you feel (more about men and intuition below). It avoids escalating misunderstanding.
I find that the problems get solved easier using that technique. You keep your man interested.
How to keep a man interested:
Let him know what makes you happy. Men are not intuitive. I have had a hard time accepting this. But my life became easier with them.
You need to outline to them what it is that you want. That way, you are enabling him to be your hero. He will feel manly, and, you will win yourself a man. That is how to keep a man interested.
How to keep a man interested is to be Independent
They like a woman that they haven't completely conquered yet.
Yes, there needs to be closeness and intimacy for a solid relationship. However, the closeness has to evolve in steps. Men get scared easily when it comes to emotions. And some women are in a hurry to share or "load" their emotions. It gives them a fake feeling of closeness.
How to keep a man interested is about slowly divulging your deep personal information about yourself. If you have a troubled pass, if you have been abused, if you had some difficult experience with your ex, or other intense and difficult situations, wait a few months before sharing.
Fill your bank account of love; the currency represented is all the dates and the time that you have spent together. You have laughed, teased each other, and shared happy experiences. Build more of those.
Later, you will have enough to make withdrawals. The withdrawals represent the tough times, the trials, and both of your emotional baggage.
It is important also to be intellectually independent on how to keep a man interested. You need to have your own opinions on situations and on people. It is better to be keen on opinions. And the more you are sharing those, the more harmonious the relationship is.
On the other hand, don't be afraid to express your contrasting opinions. He will respect for it and even more if you are able to defend them with common sense arguments.
It shows that you love yourself and respect yourself enough to be able to affirm who you are. If you respect yourself, he will too. That is how to keep a man interested. If he doesn't, you know what to do; you dump him.
How to keep a man interested: Have your own hobbies, passions, friends and social life
I am not suggesting here to be out all the time. Spend some time away from him once in a while. Don't share everything, everywhere.
By having your own life and your own time, your man will compete for your attention. This keeps him at the tip of his toes.
How to keep a man interested: Acknowledge what he does for you. Not what you would like him to do for you. Or how you would like himto be. Men need to be admired and appreciated for what they accomplish. It could be as ordinary as driving you to work or paying you a vacation.
How to keep a man interested:
Don't be jealous and try not to be naive. Be cool and collected. Be together.
Self confidence is a turn on for men. This is how to keep a man interested.
How to keep a man interested:
Let him have his own time
Men need to be in herd. This is an emotional need for him. Dr. John Gray (Mars and Venus) says that men are like elastics: the more it stretches away from you, the quicker it comes back to you.
You will keep your man's love interested if you give him some freedom. You will soon realize that he will want to be with you even more. When something is not forbidden, what is the trill?
How to keep a man interested:
Fall in love with yourself and he will too Love yourself for who you are. Love your imperfections. That way, you are making the biggest sales pitch.
You won't be easily offended by his possible remarks. Therefore, he won't easily get to you. He will stop. You are easy to live with.
The love stays alive.
Express yourself using "I". Nagging proof.
I know that we like to nag. It releases so much frustration and tension. I read everywhere that women nag too much.
I have a problem with that because I love nagging! It feels so good after! It is an effective way for us women to release tension, frustration and stress.
There is a way to express your frustration without jeopardizing the harmony. Speak by strating your sentences with I; for example, if he hasn't called you as promised, you could nag:
Why haven't called?!!!
Or you could use the I:
I was waiting for you call or I thought that you would call. I haven't planned anything else because I thought that you had planned something for us.
Another example:
Who is that girl that you were talking to, Mr?
Using the I:
I didn't feel comfortable seeing you talking to her
Yes, it requires stepping on your pride. That is a great way to communicate, release the tension, without damaging the relationship. He knows exactly how you feel (more about men and intuition below). It avoids escalating misunderstanding.
I find that the problems get solved easier using that technique. You keep your man interested.
How to keep a man interested:
Let him know what makes you happy. Men are not intuitive. I have had a hard time accepting this. But my life became easier with them.
You need to outline to them what it is that you want. That way, you are enabling him to be your hero. He will feel manly, and, you will win yourself a man. That is how to keep a man interested.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
15 Ideas To Get Out of a Blind Date
How can you dodge the bullet, in terms of avoiding the dreaded first date, so that nobody's feelings get hurt?
My suggestion is to accomplish this task during the very first telephone call.
Here are some remarks you can make, during the course of your 'phone exchange, that will ensure that you will neither receive a second 'phone call nor be pressed into ever going out with an individual you have no desire to meet.
1. "Can you keep a secret? The last guy I told this to tried to call "America's Most Wanted", but that's okay, because (snicker) he's no longer in the position to report anything to anybody".
2. "Yeah, just the other night when I was right in the middle of shaving my back ..."
3. "Personal hygiene is soooo 20th Century"!
4. "You sound really sensitive. Bet you wouldn't walk off just because a girl has 2 or 3 highly-visible, gigantic, pus-filled growths in the center of her forehead"!
5. "So, is this your first time dating somebody with multiple personalities"?
6. "Wow, I love the Lakers, spite of that restraining order they got put on me for stalking several team members".
7. "Do you mind if I bring my children along on our date? It's so hard to find a babysitter, once they find out you have 22 kids"!
8. "Do you have any personal hang-ups regarding cannibalism"?
9. "Do you like spontaneity, 'cause I can give you spontaneity. baby, like just, all of a sudden, right in the middle of us dining in a restaurant, standing on my head and oinking like a pig"
10. "The doctor says he's never seen a skin condition like mine, just like an armadillo"!
11. You know, I think it's true what they say about pets and their owners. I've had my bulldog Spencer for over 10 years now and the two of us are really starting to look a lot alike!"
12. "You must be a very understanding person. You know, not every guy would feel comfortable taking out somebody with a severe flatulence problem".
13. "You should hear what I did during my last psychotic episode"!
14. "My idea of the perfect first date? Personally, I think there's nothing more fun than holding up a convenience store or two, just to break the ice".
15. "Do you ever get the urge to just scream, I mean SCREAM AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS, GETTING LOUDER AND LOUDER WITH EVERY WORD? HUH? HUH?"
by Angela Coleman
My suggestion is to accomplish this task during the very first telephone call.
Here are some remarks you can make, during the course of your 'phone exchange, that will ensure that you will neither receive a second 'phone call nor be pressed into ever going out with an individual you have no desire to meet.
1. "Can you keep a secret? The last guy I told this to tried to call "America's Most Wanted", but that's okay, because (snicker) he's no longer in the position to report anything to anybody".
2. "Yeah, just the other night when I was right in the middle of shaving my back ..."
3. "Personal hygiene is soooo 20th Century"!
4. "You sound really sensitive. Bet you wouldn't walk off just because a girl has 2 or 3 highly-visible, gigantic, pus-filled growths in the center of her forehead"!
5. "So, is this your first time dating somebody with multiple personalities"?
6. "Wow, I love the Lakers, spite of that restraining order they got put on me for stalking several team members".
7. "Do you mind if I bring my children along on our date? It's so hard to find a babysitter, once they find out you have 22 kids"!
8. "Do you have any personal hang-ups regarding cannibalism"?
9. "Do you like spontaneity, 'cause I can give you spontaneity. baby, like just, all of a sudden, right in the middle of us dining in a restaurant, standing on my head and oinking like a pig"
10. "The doctor says he's never seen a skin condition like mine, just like an armadillo"!
11. You know, I think it's true what they say about pets and their owners. I've had my bulldog Spencer for over 10 years now and the two of us are really starting to look a lot alike!"
12. "You must be a very understanding person. You know, not every guy would feel comfortable taking out somebody with a severe flatulence problem".
13. "You should hear what I did during my last psychotic episode"!
14. "My idea of the perfect first date? Personally, I think there's nothing more fun than holding up a convenience store or two, just to break the ice".
15. "Do you ever get the urge to just scream, I mean SCREAM AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS, GETTING LOUDER AND LOUDER WITH EVERY WORD? HUH? HUH?"
by Angela Coleman
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Who actually follows these lists of online dating?by
How to Pick up the Guy of your Dreams if you like robotic lists or are stuck in the 80's:
1 Make eye contact with the guy you’re interested in. If he does not see you, pass by him, dance next to him or figure out a way for him to notice you.
2 Be sure not to draw too much attention to yourself (i.e. don’t make a scene)
3 Glance at him several times, but don’t stare. If he is interested, he will return your glances.
4 Once he returns your glance, give him a slight shy smile. This lets him know that you are interested.
5 If he is with his friends he will continue talking or dancing with them, but will return glances with you.
6 At this point, if you are not shy, walk up to the group and tap him on the shoulder.
7 Say “excuse me” to him and his friends. This will let his friends know that you don’t mean to be rude.
8 If you are shy, then pass by him, smile and give a slight gesture for him to come to you or follow you to a quiet corner.
9 If he is interested and not shy he will figure out a way to come up to you or follow you.
10 Introduce yourself. Sometimes a mere “Hi, I’m …What’s your name?” will do. This will start a conversation.
11 Continue the conversation if you can or just dance together. Just be natural. If he likes you, there’s no need to be nervous.
12 Don’t be alarmed if he ends the conversation or dance to go back to his friends. This doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like you. Keep in mind, he may be nervous as well.
13 Let him know that it was nice talking to him and offer to either give him a call or give him your telephone number. Exchange numbers or information.
14 Return to the original place you were or dancing and continue to look as cute as your are.
15 Finally, relax and congratulate yourself for taking a chance. Don’t worry, if he doesn’t call then it wasn’t meant to be anyway.
1 Make eye contact with the guy you’re interested in. If he does not see you, pass by him, dance next to him or figure out a way for him to notice you.
2 Be sure not to draw too much attention to yourself (i.e. don’t make a scene)
3 Glance at him several times, but don’t stare. If he is interested, he will return your glances.
4 Once he returns your glance, give him a slight shy smile. This lets him know that you are interested.
5 If he is with his friends he will continue talking or dancing with them, but will return glances with you.
6 At this point, if you are not shy, walk up to the group and tap him on the shoulder.
7 Say “excuse me” to him and his friends. This will let his friends know that you don’t mean to be rude.
8 If you are shy, then pass by him, smile and give a slight gesture for him to come to you or follow you to a quiet corner.
9 If he is interested and not shy he will figure out a way to come up to you or follow you.
10 Introduce yourself. Sometimes a mere “Hi, I’m …What’s your name?” will do. This will start a conversation.
11 Continue the conversation if you can or just dance together. Just be natural. If he likes you, there’s no need to be nervous.
12 Don’t be alarmed if he ends the conversation or dance to go back to his friends. This doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like you. Keep in mind, he may be nervous as well.
13 Let him know that it was nice talking to him and offer to either give him a call or give him your telephone number. Exchange numbers or information.
14 Return to the original place you were or dancing and continue to look as cute as your are.
15 Finally, relax and congratulate yourself for taking a chance. Don’t worry, if he doesn’t call then it wasn’t meant to be anyway.
Monday, April 6, 2009 Top Ten Worst Pick-up lines of Online Dating
We put this list out there for you to add to, comment or just go postal with your own story !! Lets hear it people......i know everyone has a story to tell !!
1. My name is (insert name of appropriate jerk)...remember that, because you will be screaming it later.
2. Hello, I'm Mister Right. Someone said you were looking for me.
3.Hi. The voices in my head told me to come over here and talk to you.
4.I lost my phone number. Can I have yours?
5.Nice legs! What time do they open?
6.Are those real? I mean your eyes, of course.
7.That dress is fabulous. It would look even better crumpled in a heap on my bedroom floor.
8.Can I buy you a drink or would you just like the money?
9.If I were you, I'd have sex with me.
10.I know women like presents. Would you like to open my package?
from Judy Steinberg
1. My name is (insert name of appropriate jerk)...remember that, because you will be screaming it later.
2. Hello, I'm Mister Right. Someone said you were looking for me.
3.Hi. The voices in my head told me to come over here and talk to you.
4.I lost my phone number. Can I have yours?
5.Nice legs! What time do they open?
6.Are those real? I mean your eyes, of course.
7.That dress is fabulous. It would look even better crumpled in a heap on my bedroom floor.
8.Can I buy you a drink or would you just like the money?
9.If I were you, I'd have sex with me.
10.I know women like presents. Would you like to open my package?
from Judy Steinberg
Friday, April 3, 2009 wants everyone to be "lucky" in dating

We would like to offer this chic little necklace to the person that leaves the "best" comment at the bottom of this blog entry !!'s definition of "best" - clever, off the wall, hilarious, out of the box, abstract, genius oddity, something that would make you cry, laugh out loud or punch your co-worker !! This comment needs to be related to the online dating environment in some fashion....could be just touching on it or full court press about it !!
The necklace combines the lucky Chinese color, red, with the long lasting tradition of adding "in bed" to the end of any fortune cookie message.
The proceeds from the lucky in bed necklaces go to the Soc Chic Spotlight cause of the month. This month our focus is on Team Bright Pink raising money and awareness for Bright Pink's mission to encourage proactive breast and ovarian health team
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Online Dating Story from
Ryan's Story
Ryan, 34:
I was an airline pilot living in Las Vegas, and could basically commute anywhere, so I was looking at Yahoo! Personals profiles mostly on the West Coast. I'd been married before, and was looking for more of a friendship, I wasn't looking to speed-date or anything like that. I saw Sharon's profile, emailed her, and got a response pretty quickly.
This was soon after 9/11, so it was a crazy time for the airline industry. We started talking about our jobs, and she told me she'd been laid off. A week later, I lost my job. Going over our misery in the workplace, we had a lot more in common at that point. So we built a little connection there.
What stood out the most about Sharon -- and I'm not trying to be superficial -- was this photo of her where she had super-blond hair, a super tan, and her profile said "Slender blond seeking tall man." I also saw one that looked like she was in Italy, and I thought, "Wow, this could be fun." There were some things in her profile that were important to me, and that's what prompted me to move forward.
We started emailing in early October, and right before Thanksgiving, I went on a cruise to South America with my parents. I called her before I left, and I emailed her the whole way down, on the ship, and at about every port of call. After I got back to the States, I was really looking forward to meeting her.
Not long afterward, I moved to Santa Rosa. I was working for a small wine sales company. We started talking on the phone. One night in February, I said "Do you want me to come down right now?" I showed up at her door at 9:15 p.m. on a Sunday night! My pitch to her was "I'd like to show you my photos of South America. I've got some great penguin shots to show you." I knocked on the door, she opened it up and my first impression was, "You look younger than you are."
Sharon and I built a foundation of trust and friendship
Sharon and I built a foundation of trust and friendship -- we didn't meet for four months. It wasn't about meeting and immediately having lust. She's a great person, super kind, and she doesn't have an ounce of bad in her body. I saw these qualities and knew she'd be a great mother. But being that I'd only dated different kind of women than Sharon, it took me a while to learn to appreciate Sharon's qualities; they're qualities you look for a spouse.
I proposed to her on Dec. 22, 2006.
Sharon's Story
Sharon, 36:
I had just been laid off from work, so I had a lot of spare time and was bored. I bought a new computer and placed an ad on Yahoo! Personals. I had a professionally taken photo -- I'm a graphic designer, so I had a good one made. Then, I listed all the specifics of what I was looking for: height range, preferred a college education, good manners -- I don't remember everything, but I had quite a few on there.
I got a ton of responses, but it almost seemed like they didn't read my ad. And when Ryan responded, I wasn't necessarily interested or attracted, but he seemed nice and the most normal and friendly. He was in Las Vegas and had a new job when he emailed me, but then he got laid off,
so there we were, two laid-off people
so there we were, two laid-off people. Eventually, he moved to Santa Rosa, and I was living in Napa. So we emailed each other more, and then we met.
Our first meeting wasn't in public. He just came over, but I just felt comfortable with it. He brought all these pictures of a trip he'd gone on. A week later, we had dinner at Bouchon in Yountville, where he proposed four years later!
We were married in July 2007, and in September, we're having a "Yahoo!" baby!
Online Dating Tips from Ryan and Sharon:
-Have a positive tone to your ad, instead of sounding like you have an axe to grind. No "Tired of playing games?"
-Include as much information as you're comfortable with and be specific -- things like favorite movies, favorite foods, etc. Not things like "Walks on the beach."
-Take it slow, there's no need to meet right away. But not too slow!
-It's OK to be picky.
-Just be yourself, don't try to be someone you're not. If you're not yourself, you're going to attract the wrong kind of person.
-Don't be in a rush, and don't be rude. Treat people like you'd want to be treated.
By Ryan and Sharon, Santa Rosa, California
Ryan, 34:
I was an airline pilot living in Las Vegas, and could basically commute anywhere, so I was looking at Yahoo! Personals profiles mostly on the West Coast. I'd been married before, and was looking for more of a friendship, I wasn't looking to speed-date or anything like that. I saw Sharon's profile, emailed her, and got a response pretty quickly.
This was soon after 9/11, so it was a crazy time for the airline industry. We started talking about our jobs, and she told me she'd been laid off. A week later, I lost my job. Going over our misery in the workplace, we had a lot more in common at that point. So we built a little connection there.
What stood out the most about Sharon -- and I'm not trying to be superficial -- was this photo of her where she had super-blond hair, a super tan, and her profile said "Slender blond seeking tall man." I also saw one that looked like she was in Italy, and I thought, "Wow, this could be fun." There were some things in her profile that were important to me, and that's what prompted me to move forward.
We started emailing in early October, and right before Thanksgiving, I went on a cruise to South America with my parents. I called her before I left, and I emailed her the whole way down, on the ship, and at about every port of call. After I got back to the States, I was really looking forward to meeting her.
Not long afterward, I moved to Santa Rosa. I was working for a small wine sales company. We started talking on the phone. One night in February, I said "Do you want me to come down right now?" I showed up at her door at 9:15 p.m. on a Sunday night! My pitch to her was "I'd like to show you my photos of South America. I've got some great penguin shots to show you." I knocked on the door, she opened it up and my first impression was, "You look younger than you are."
Sharon and I built a foundation of trust and friendship
Sharon and I built a foundation of trust and friendship -- we didn't meet for four months. It wasn't about meeting and immediately having lust. She's a great person, super kind, and she doesn't have an ounce of bad in her body. I saw these qualities and knew she'd be a great mother. But being that I'd only dated different kind of women than Sharon, it took me a while to learn to appreciate Sharon's qualities; they're qualities you look for a spouse.
I proposed to her on Dec. 22, 2006.
Sharon's Story
Sharon, 36:
I had just been laid off from work, so I had a lot of spare time and was bored. I bought a new computer and placed an ad on Yahoo! Personals. I had a professionally taken photo -- I'm a graphic designer, so I had a good one made. Then, I listed all the specifics of what I was looking for: height range, preferred a college education, good manners -- I don't remember everything, but I had quite a few on there.
I got a ton of responses, but it almost seemed like they didn't read my ad. And when Ryan responded, I wasn't necessarily interested or attracted, but he seemed nice and the most normal and friendly. He was in Las Vegas and had a new job when he emailed me, but then he got laid off,
so there we were, two laid-off people
so there we were, two laid-off people. Eventually, he moved to Santa Rosa, and I was living in Napa. So we emailed each other more, and then we met.
Our first meeting wasn't in public. He just came over, but I just felt comfortable with it. He brought all these pictures of a trip he'd gone on. A week later, we had dinner at Bouchon in Yountville, where he proposed four years later!
We were married in July 2007, and in September, we're having a "Yahoo!" baby!
Online Dating Tips from Ryan and Sharon:
-Have a positive tone to your ad, instead of sounding like you have an axe to grind. No "Tired of playing games?"
-Include as much information as you're comfortable with and be specific -- things like favorite movies, favorite foods, etc. Not things like "Walks on the beach."
-Take it slow, there's no need to meet right away. But not too slow!
-It's OK to be picky.
-Just be yourself, don't try to be someone you're not. If you're not yourself, you're going to attract the wrong kind of person.
-Don't be in a rush, and don't be rude. Treat people like you'd want to be treated.
By Ryan and Sharon, Santa Rosa, California
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Hilarious Lines From Online Dating Profiles brought to you by enjoys bringing you the most bizarre and abstract online dating info !!
If you have put any effort at all into online dating, I'm sure that you've read plenty about how to write online profiles, and how NOT to write them. Knowing the basics about that is a good thing, of course, and I've written my fair share on the subject.
The truth is that there is a wealth of information our there and help is readily available when it comes to creating terrific, effective online profiles. Yet, you can somehow always count on finding plenty of particularly entertaining material like what follows when browsing profile narratives.
All of these are lifted from actual profiles. Enjoy!
"I'm a walking, talking dichotomy. I hope you're the same."
After all, opposites attract, right?
"I need a man who can full feel my fantasies."
I distinctly remember an email I wrote to this one entitled, "Feeling Full". I don't remember a response. Haha.
"The three things I want most in a man are honesty, sincerity and truthfulness."
Great. The three things I want most in a woman are repetition, redundancy and duplication.
"I am recently divorced, so I am now at a stage in my life where I am not looking for one night stands."
Well, thank goodness both the marriage and that sort of behavior have come to an end. I wonder if that's a coincidence?
"I don't drink beer, but I'll play darts at the bar with a screwdriver"
Be sure to use a Philips. Those pointy ones seem to stick to the dartboard better.
"I'll bend over backwards to help anyone who needs it, but I refuse to be a pushover."
OK, so she doesn't need any help bending over backwards, get it?
"Attractive, fun, professional woman looking to date the same."
Hmm. Can't help you there, girlie. I'm a guy.
Well, that about covers everything.
"I have my B.S. and J.D. I mostly use the B.S. part to do my J.D. job."
Anyone who is divorced can appreciate that one. Thanks for being honest.
"A man who does not mind the simple and loving jesters I may send his way."
Nah, I'm good. I'm pretty well stocked up on freaks with funky suits and bells on their hats.
"I hate complainers."
Why? We LOVE you.
"I am an independent woman and don't need a man to support me, although the ability to do so would be nice."
At least the truth came out early. LOL
If you have put any effort at all into online dating, I'm sure that you've read plenty about how to write online profiles, and how NOT to write them. Knowing the basics about that is a good thing, of course, and I've written my fair share on the subject.
The truth is that there is a wealth of information our there and help is readily available when it comes to creating terrific, effective online profiles. Yet, you can somehow always count on finding plenty of particularly entertaining material like what follows when browsing profile narratives.
All of these are lifted from actual profiles. Enjoy!
"I'm a walking, talking dichotomy. I hope you're the same."
After all, opposites attract, right?
"I need a man who can full feel my fantasies."
I distinctly remember an email I wrote to this one entitled, "Feeling Full". I don't remember a response. Haha.
"The three things I want most in a man are honesty, sincerity and truthfulness."
Great. The three things I want most in a woman are repetition, redundancy and duplication.
"I am recently divorced, so I am now at a stage in my life where I am not looking for one night stands."
Well, thank goodness both the marriage and that sort of behavior have come to an end. I wonder if that's a coincidence?
"I don't drink beer, but I'll play darts at the bar with a screwdriver"
Be sure to use a Philips. Those pointy ones seem to stick to the dartboard better.
"I'll bend over backwards to help anyone who needs it, but I refuse to be a pushover."
OK, so she doesn't need any help bending over backwards, get it?
"Attractive, fun, professional woman looking to date the same."
Hmm. Can't help you there, girlie. I'm a guy.
Well, that about covers everything.
"I have my B.S. and J.D. I mostly use the B.S. part to do my J.D. job."
Anyone who is divorced can appreciate that one. Thanks for being honest.
"A man who does not mind the simple and loving jesters I may send his way."
Nah, I'm good. I'm pretty well stocked up on freaks with funky suits and bells on their hats.
"I hate complainers."
Why? We LOVE you.
"I am an independent woman and don't need a man to support me, although the ability to do so would be nice."
At least the truth came out early. LOL
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Men Should Do As Much As They Can to Improve Their Dating Odds
Here is one Mans Opinion we found on what to do in order to capture yourself a "HOT" lady .... feel free to comment, tear about the theory or just plain shit talk the hell out of this !! Should we allow this dude on or kick him out?
First, I looked at myself. I asked, "If I were the type of woman who I would like to attract (I like super hot, very intelligent women), what would make me want to be with a man?"
So I started reading, listening to tapes, going to seminars... you name it. And I started to work on my 'presentation' of myself.
I now think that it's important to get EVERY POSSIBLE thing going for you that you can.
Here's my take: If you have messed up teeth, for instance, that still shouldn't prevent you from dressing well. So don't let it.
Get a cool hair style. (It's OK to ask a stylist what's cool and get help on this one.)
Buy nice clothes (Don't tell me that you don't have the $$$. Get on eBay, or go to the Nordstrom Rack and look at the clearance items. I did it to start.). If you will do just a few key things, they won't necessarily HELP you attract women, but they'll get rid of things that are PREVENTING you from attracting women that you DON'T EVEN REALIZE.
Make no mistake that if you're interested in ATTRACTIVE women, you'd better realize right now that these things make a difference. You don't have to work out ten times a week, but get your body in at least OK shape. You don't have to have perfect teeth, but make sure that they're clean and your breath is great.
My personal view: If you're overweight, poorly groomed, etc., these are all things that are within your control. You should get them handled for YOURSELF. If you don't, then I'm going to assume that you don't have very much self-respect, in which case almost NOTHING I tell you can help.
Women notice details that most men don't. They notice if your belt and shoes match. They notice what kinds of foods you like to eat. They notice all the details and then make assumptions about every other area of your life based on these details.
So learn what nice shoes are and how to keep them nice. Figure out how colors and clothing go together and what is cool. It's worth it.
I wasn't 'cool' when I started, but now I've learned how to become more so. Huge difference. (Am I saying that you can't attract women if you wear Nike's and have messed up hair? No. But remember the old saying: "A blind pig can find an occasional truffle...")
Of course, don't overdo it.
I've tried the whole dressing well bit in the past to the point of looking like I'm trying too hard. Now I dress more 'casual nice'. I wear a lot of Calvin Klein T-Shirts with black jeans and nice black shoes, etc. This look with a nice leather coat works well in almost any situation. This is a look that you can put together for a couple or few hundred bucks (for several sets).
Here's my mindset: Keep improving all the time, even if it's the SMALLEST DETAIL.
I noticed recently that at least once every time I go out, a girl will ask me for a light. I always just said, "I don't smoke" or "No". A couple weeks ago, I said "Ah-Ha" and went to the lighter store SPECIFICALLY to find the coolest lighter that anyone has ever invented. I bought this torch lighter that make a huge flame. It looks like a welding flame. So what do you think happened the first time I went out with it? Right... got asked for a light... and got a 'wow' reaction from her, which started a conversation.
A list of random things to improve:
* Keep all nails on your body short, clean, and neat.
* The only place where hair is good is on your head. Keep all other hair trimmed, or have it removed. Nose and ear hairs are a no-no. Bushy eyebrows are a no-no. Bushy pubic hairs are a no-no.
* Keep the teeth clean. Get a tongue scraper and use it a lot. Floss. Use mouthwash. Fix any blatantly wrong teeth. Do it.
* Wash yourself three times when you shower. Dirt and body odors don't come off with just a rinse. Wash your body completely three times before you meet a woman.
* Use a good deodorant (I don't like anti-antiperspirants, as they block your lymph system).
* Keep feet, shoes, and socks ultra clean. No foot odor is permitted, period.
* Get a good cologne. Try Dolce and Gabanna, Cerruti Image, or Gaultier for men. And don't OVER-do it! No cologne is better than a lot of cologne. One or two squirts, applied an hour before you're going to be meeting women, is best.
Remember, women notice the details and assume you handle everything else the same way.
By David Dangelo
First, I looked at myself. I asked, "If I were the type of woman who I would like to attract (I like super hot, very intelligent women), what would make me want to be with a man?"
So I started reading, listening to tapes, going to seminars... you name it. And I started to work on my 'presentation' of myself.
I now think that it's important to get EVERY POSSIBLE thing going for you that you can.
Here's my take: If you have messed up teeth, for instance, that still shouldn't prevent you from dressing well. So don't let it.
Get a cool hair style. (It's OK to ask a stylist what's cool and get help on this one.)
Buy nice clothes (Don't tell me that you don't have the $$$. Get on eBay, or go to the Nordstrom Rack and look at the clearance items. I did it to start.). If you will do just a few key things, they won't necessarily HELP you attract women, but they'll get rid of things that are PREVENTING you from attracting women that you DON'T EVEN REALIZE.
Make no mistake that if you're interested in ATTRACTIVE women, you'd better realize right now that these things make a difference. You don't have to work out ten times a week, but get your body in at least OK shape. You don't have to have perfect teeth, but make sure that they're clean and your breath is great.
My personal view: If you're overweight, poorly groomed, etc., these are all things that are within your control. You should get them handled for YOURSELF. If you don't, then I'm going to assume that you don't have very much self-respect, in which case almost NOTHING I tell you can help.
Women notice details that most men don't. They notice if your belt and shoes match. They notice what kinds of foods you like to eat. They notice all the details and then make assumptions about every other area of your life based on these details.
So learn what nice shoes are and how to keep them nice. Figure out how colors and clothing go together and what is cool. It's worth it.
I wasn't 'cool' when I started, but now I've learned how to become more so. Huge difference. (Am I saying that you can't attract women if you wear Nike's and have messed up hair? No. But remember the old saying: "A blind pig can find an occasional truffle...")
Of course, don't overdo it.
I've tried the whole dressing well bit in the past to the point of looking like I'm trying too hard. Now I dress more 'casual nice'. I wear a lot of Calvin Klein T-Shirts with black jeans and nice black shoes, etc. This look with a nice leather coat works well in almost any situation. This is a look that you can put together for a couple or few hundred bucks (for several sets).
Here's my mindset: Keep improving all the time, even if it's the SMALLEST DETAIL.
I noticed recently that at least once every time I go out, a girl will ask me for a light. I always just said, "I don't smoke" or "No". A couple weeks ago, I said "Ah-Ha" and went to the lighter store SPECIFICALLY to find the coolest lighter that anyone has ever invented. I bought this torch lighter that make a huge flame. It looks like a welding flame. So what do you think happened the first time I went out with it? Right... got asked for a light... and got a 'wow' reaction from her, which started a conversation.
A list of random things to improve:
* Keep all nails on your body short, clean, and neat.
* The only place where hair is good is on your head. Keep all other hair trimmed, or have it removed. Nose and ear hairs are a no-no. Bushy eyebrows are a no-no. Bushy pubic hairs are a no-no.
* Keep the teeth clean. Get a tongue scraper and use it a lot. Floss. Use mouthwash. Fix any blatantly wrong teeth. Do it.
* Wash yourself three times when you shower. Dirt and body odors don't come off with just a rinse. Wash your body completely three times before you meet a woman.
* Use a good deodorant (I don't like anti-antiperspirants, as they block your lymph system).
* Keep feet, shoes, and socks ultra clean. No foot odor is permitted, period.
* Get a good cologne. Try Dolce and Gabanna, Cerruti Image, or Gaultier for men. And don't OVER-do it! No cologne is better than a lot of cologne. One or two squirts, applied an hour before you're going to be meeting women, is best.
Remember, women notice the details and assume you handle everything else the same way.
By David Dangelo
Monday, March 30, 2009
Online Dating Do's and Dont's brought to you by

Dating etiquette has always been confusing -- and now online dating has only made matters more complicated. Andrea Lavinthal, who wrote "The Hookup Handbook: A Single Girl's Guide to Living It Up" with Jessica Rolzer, shared these tips on "Good Morning America" to guide you through the modern mores of online and offline dating:
Before the date:
Do exchange photos. It's like ordering a flower arrangement over the phone -- you want to know what it will look like.
Don't post a photo from your hot days in college. Choose a flattering picture, but don't advertise goods you can't deliver!
During the first date:
Do provide details about yourself. Share just enough information about yourself that your date will be itching to learn more.
Don't go overboard in revealing personal information about yourself. On the first meeting, no one needs to know the names of your childhood pets or that you take antidepressants.
Do stick to positive and relatable topics in your conversation. Discuss work, movies, etc.
Don't try something that you might not be able to pull off. If you attempt to fake a skill, you'll crash and burn.
Do show off a special talent. Great at bowling? Go for it -- as long as you come off confident and fun.
If things don't work out and you want to end the relationship:
Don't pull a disappearing act. Guys, if you appear to have fallen off the face of the Earth, girls will picture you lying in a ditch somewhere, cell phone in hand, trying desperately to call. So it's best to come clean!
Do bow out gracefully. Avoid doing the slow fade.
Don't break up over e-mail -- even if you met that way.
Do break up in person.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Online Dating Profile Photos - What Not To Do!
No Guns!
Okay, so we know there are a lot of United States military men and women who use our site, and we're honored. We also know that for many, a gun or related weapon is a "tool of the trade." Same way a web designer might show himself holding a mouse or a keyboard. But you know what? It's not the same at all. It's a gun — guns kill people. There is something oddly mysterious about a women who posts a profile pic of herself straddling an ATV while cradling a shotgun (which we've seen), but for all the dudes out there posting sweaty topless photos of themselves clutching machine guns, we suggest you take some new pictures. Although we've never done a formal survey, we can more or less guarantee that like 11 out of 10 women see guns as a turn off.
No Cats!
If I have to look at another profile pic of someone's drooling terrier, or doting poodle, I might throw up in my mouth. Then again, I'm not a pet person. Unless you count the time we were drunk on old man Simmon's farm in the eight grade and I... Anyway, a word to the ladies: cats of any kind in your profile pics will get you a fast-pass to spinsterville, where the only warmth comes from the rainbow shawls you knit on Friday nights while watching young couples walk down the street with their hands in each other's back pockets.
Britto Hint #4267: You can introduce the cat to your potential suitor, on the 4th or 5th date, only after wowing him with a home-cooked meal and some tantra. Unless of course he shows you his cat first, then you can knit shawls and use looms to make rugs for all eternity. Happy days.
Okay, so we know there are a lot of United States military men and women who use our site, and we're honored. We also know that for many, a gun or related weapon is a "tool of the trade." Same way a web designer might show himself holding a mouse or a keyboard. But you know what? It's not the same at all. It's a gun — guns kill people. There is something oddly mysterious about a women who posts a profile pic of herself straddling an ATV while cradling a shotgun (which we've seen), but for all the dudes out there posting sweaty topless photos of themselves clutching machine guns, we suggest you take some new pictures. Although we've never done a formal survey, we can more or less guarantee that like 11 out of 10 women see guns as a turn off.
No Cats!
If I have to look at another profile pic of someone's drooling terrier, or doting poodle, I might throw up in my mouth. Then again, I'm not a pet person. Unless you count the time we were drunk on old man Simmon's farm in the eight grade and I... Anyway, a word to the ladies: cats of any kind in your profile pics will get you a fast-pass to spinsterville, where the only warmth comes from the rainbow shawls you knit on Friday nights while watching young couples walk down the street with their hands in each other's back pockets.
Britto Hint #4267: You can introduce the cat to your potential suitor, on the 4th or 5th date, only after wowing him with a home-cooked meal and some tantra. Unless of course he shows you his cat first, then you can knit shawls and use looms to make rugs for all eternity. Happy days.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Question of the day: How do you match people?
So there’s that question. Well, truthfully, we believe people match people. That’s how it’s been since the dawn of time, since cavemen were tugging brides down to the river for some old fashioned snogging. You think Adam and Eve filled out a 30-part personality profile that matched them together using an algorithm or a multi-pronged compatibility machine? Ah, no. We’ve given you the basic tools, but the rest is up to you.
Sure, we’ve got a love doctor on staff, But quite frankly, the dude is such a major player that he’s overwhelmed with his own issues, and rarely has time to sleep, let alone help with the match-making process. And remember all those times a friend or family member said they knew the perfect match for you, but the guy/girl turned out to be a stamp-collecting sociopath who makes dolls with real human hair? Trust us, your better off on your own.
Sure, we’ve got a love doctor on staff, But quite frankly, the dude is such a major player that he’s overwhelmed with his own issues, and rarely has time to sleep, let alone help with the match-making process. And remember all those times a friend or family member said they knew the perfect match for you, but the guy/girl turned out to be a stamp-collecting sociopath who makes dolls with real human hair? Trust us, your better off on your own.
Dad at the Mall
I took my Dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes (he is 92). We decided
to grab a bite at the Food Court . I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him.
The teenager had spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange and blue. My Dad kept staring at him. The teenager would look and find him staring every time.
When the teenager had had enough, he sarcastically asked, "What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?"
Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food so that I would not choke on his response, knowing he would have a good one. And, in classic style, he did not bat an eye in his response:
'Got drunk once and fucked a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.'
to grab a bite at the Food Court . I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him.
The teenager had spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange and blue. My Dad kept staring at him. The teenager would look and find him staring every time.
When the teenager had had enough, he sarcastically asked, "What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?"
Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food so that I would not choke on his response, knowing he would have a good one. And, in classic style, he did not bat an eye in his response:
'Got drunk once and fucked a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.'
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Favorite Gravestone Rubbing - Username: Elloe
If you kicked the bucket today what would it say on your gravestone?
Please don't embalm or burn me. Just bury me in a cardboard box in my parents back yard. Much thanks. Oh wait, I mean that's what will be tattooed to my body. I shall lay in an unmarked grave deep enough to prevent the family dog from digging up my femur for a chew toy. That might be upsetting to the living.
Please don't embalm or burn me. Just bury me in a cardboard box in my parents back yard. Much thanks. Oh wait, I mean that's what will be tattooed to my body. I shall lay in an unmarked grave deep enough to prevent the family dog from digging up my femur for a chew toy. That might be upsetting to the living.
Date Like You Mean It
Seriously, the best way to meet someone is to really try. Shine up the old Camaro, dust off the push-up bra, floss your freaking teeth, lose the leg warmers, read the paper, ditch the attitude, trim the hedges, do some squat thrusts, coif the dew.
Point is, you gotta step it up. The internet is a rock solid place to narrow the field, to find the homies and honies that float your boat. Shit, I've certainly dabbled. I actually started Fringles cause I was sick of paying for all those lame sites that actually cost money and don't really do anything other than annoy the piss out of you and pretend to use secret love potion algorhythms to match you with your soulmate.
But you gotta be willing to put on fresh undies or a thong and pucker your lips, or at least wax respectfully on current events and the reasons for your chastity.
Okay, so only like 30% of what I say makes sense. Chicks don't seem to mind, and dudes like me. My name is Jimmy Britto for crying out loud. What is not to like about that.
Point is, you gotta step it up. The internet is a rock solid place to narrow the field, to find the homies and honies that float your boat. Shit, I've certainly dabbled. I actually started Fringles cause I was sick of paying for all those lame sites that actually cost money and don't really do anything other than annoy the piss out of you and pretend to use secret love potion algorhythms to match you with your soulmate.
But you gotta be willing to put on fresh undies or a thong and pucker your lips, or at least wax respectfully on current events and the reasons for your chastity.
Okay, so only like 30% of what I say makes sense. Chicks don't seem to mind, and dudes like me. My name is Jimmy Britto for crying out loud. What is not to like about that.
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